Adventures in Biochar – Part II

Biochar!It worked!

I ran into significant challenges specifically related to the design of my retort (as detailed here), but when I opened the barrel last night (in the dark, with a flashlight), I was greeted by a barrel full of charcoal.  There are a few “brands” – unburned or incompletely burned chunks – but for the most part, it worked a treat.  I will crush this batch up, soak it for a while in water and/or urine (or perhaps some alfalfa tea?), and then work it into the compost pile, later to be added to the garden.

I learned a lot, and hope to make improvements to both my retort design and the process.  This first burn was incredibly labor intensive, I think because I prepped both the fuel and the stock all at once.  I think the best way to approach the process would be to simply have the barrel ready and covered, and to fill it incrementally, firing it only once it is filled.  As for the design of the retort, I hope to find a 20-gallon barrel, as I think this size might be small enough to provide enough space for fuel and a robust fire between the inner and outer barrels.

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